Welcome to the website of Knyszyn Forest Landscape Park. We would like to invite you for a journey to this unique and original world of nature. It is worth to look into wilderness to gain some knowledge about natural, environmental, cultural and touristic values which are hidden in the Knyszyn Forest.

We cordially invite to the headquater of the Park
between 7.30 AM and 3.30 PM from Monday till Friday

Park Crew

Knyszyn Forest Landscape Park was founded on May 24 1988 to sustain the most precious values of this area. It is the biggest protected territory in Podlaskie voivodship as well as one of the biggest ones such kind in Poland. Making perfect place for a rest for Białystok and Podlaskie residents and tourists both from the country or abroad it raises spa attractiveness of Supraśl.

After theoritical reading we wish you nice adventure in the Park supported by curiosity, sensibility, wholesomeness and love of nature.

Knyszyn Forest is one of a few forest area in Poland which still distinguishes itself by the presence of natural features in abundance. The most important values of this region include: tree stands with unique ecotype of “Supraśl pine”, varied surface features, numerous springs, interesting plant associations, wealthy birdlife as well as mid-forest landscapes.

Added: 2 czerwiec 2017 11:13

Modified: 2 czerwiec 2017 11:13